utorok 27. augusta 2013

Pinch of ...

photos and brooches by vikky.salmon

I leave the reality and enter the boundaries of imagination. Above, are my companions.
They are born there. They are not made of bones, muscles, nerves or ...
But inside, they are hiding away great heart.Just like us. Or not?
They are created from fabrics, threads, buttons and all that inanimate stuff. 
All that's necessary is a pinch of imagination. That's what brings them to life. 
I want to escape.

Realitu nechávam za dverami a cez prah vstupujem do sveta predstavivosti. Tam tí hore, to sú moji spolucestovatelia. Rodia sa tam. No neskladajú sa z kostí a svalov tak, ako my....
No majú veľké srdiečka. Tak ako my. Či?
Rodia sa z kúsočkov látok, nitiek, gombíkov a všetkého toho nehybného.
Jediné čo treba na ich prípravu dodať, je štipka predstavivosti. To je to, čo ich postaví na nohy a vdýchne im dušu. Chcem s nimi utiecť. Sem...

27/08/2013 xxx

pondelok 26. augusta 2013

Above reality

artwork by vikky.salmon
Winston & Newton watercolours on Canson watercolour paper

Somewhere in between the clouds. in a fairytale, above reality. With the light, coming from over there!

Niekde tam, v oblakoch, v rozprávke, nad realitou. Lietam si. Plachtím. Svetielko prichádza niekde, odtiaľ!

26/08/2013 xxx 

utorok 20. augusta 2013

Somewhere in between

artworks by vikky.salmon
printing ultramarine paint on Fabriano ACCADEMIA paper

I was just about to split these in two. The marine and the land. 
But...in fact, this is what the blog is all about, living somewhere in between the two. Earth and water, not particularly swimming but nor walking. Somewhere in between, with a smile on my face being fascinated with imperfections and lines, with what goes wrong and trying out coincidence.
They are the best tools...

Nechýbalo veľa a rozdelila by som ich. Vytvorila bariéru medzi vodou a zemou.
Avšak, pravdupovediac, toto je to,o čo sa na tomto blogu jedná a ja si žijem niekde medzi. 
Medzi vlnami a hlinou, sčasti plávajúc a kráčajúc. Čľapkajúc sa v bahne. Niekde medzi dvoma svetmi, s úsmevom na perách, fascinovaná divným a čiarami, tým čo sa nepodarí a naťahujúc trenky náhode.
Uvidíme, kedy guma povolí. Ja však verím, že aj to bude mať svoje čaro.

20/08/2013 xxx

štvrtok 8. augusta 2013


artwork by vikky.salmon
Winston&Newton watercolours on Canson paper

A bit of minimalist this time. Those lines keep following me. On the waves.


Tak a teraz trošku minimalisticky. Línie mi nedajú spať. Na vlnách, nal(o)adená.

08/08/2013 xxx

streda 7. augusta 2013

Magenta pool

artwork by vikky.salmon
Winston & Newton watercolours on Canson paper

In between the wineyards, covered in a pool of green and magenta leaves.
My linear wonders on how would one see the Chianti region from a bird perspective?!
Graphic approach, quite abstract, clean and linear. Just then I let the colour go wild. 

Look! Wish a nice day to everyone.


Niekde tam, medzi kŕčmi, skrývali sme sa celé dni.
Toto sú moje predstavy na otázku, ako by tak Chianti vyzeralo z vtáčej perspektívy?!
Grafický prístup, celkom abstraktný, čistý a lineárny. Až potom som dovolila farbičkám rozutekať sa na všetky strany. Až potom...

Inak, aha!Na dobrý deň.

07/08/2013 xxx

utorok 6. augusta 2013

Through the labyrinth

photos by vikky.salmon
Zenit TTL

Green glass blocks, neverending wooden floor and slight reflection of an unknown orange object.
When you reached the end, you found yourself. The thing you have been following for quite some time.
Although you may feel you are walking further and further from your goal, you are going to reach it.
The road can be...fill in the blank

Zelený sklobetón, nekonečná cestička vysypaná drevenou drťou a niečo tajomné, oranžové, skrývajúce sa za ním. Prišiel si na koniec, došiel si k sebe. Došiel si tam, kam si tak dlho napredoval.
Aj keď sa ti možno stále zdá, že sa od toho neviditeľného cieľa stále vzďaľuješ, dostaneš sa k nemu.
Cestička môže byť kľukatá...

06/08/2013 xxx

nedeľa 4. augusta 2013

For the time being

selfportraits by vikky.salmon

As much of selfportraits as this blog will feature for the time being.
Reflecting in the windows, doors all the glass surfaces.
Speaking in a mothertoungue is already a stop forth into the jungle.

Asi toľko autoportrétov na teraz.
Pisaním v materinskom jazyku už aj tak vkračujem do džungle.
Všetko sa raz niekde odrazí.

04/08/2013 xxx

sobota 3. augusta 2013

Village curiosities

photos by vikky.salmon

Didn't even bother taking a picture of Pisa.
If I felt like having one, the G browser would surely find one for me.
I feel the trashcan grafitti one is more authentic representation of the village.
Mixing the urban with the rural, the tradition with streetart.

03/08/2013 xxx

piatok 2. augusta 2013


photos by vikky.salmon
Zenit TTL

You could see it everywhere. Wherever you looked. 
Slowly being blown away by the wind.And drying in the heat. 
Wonder who were those people who wore those close? What kind of life stories do they remember?
Was it just a coincidence the colours were arranged in this order? Or did she firstly wash the navy goods?
I wonder...

02/08/2013 xxx

štvrtok 1. augusta 2013

Stories of the window shutters

photos by vikky.salmon
Zenit TTL

Calmness, stilness, rocks,...
People hidden away behing the wooden window shutters from the scalding sun.
Yet so lively. With the young and the elderly.

01/08/2013 xxx