nedeľa 23. augusta 2015

The dreamed of

photographs by vikky.salmon

I have always dreamed of paying a visit to a cottage hidden in between the peaks of Alpin mountains.
The scenario I saw in my head was an interior of a wooden cottage, fireplace glowing somewhere in the back,snowflakes falling down behind the window sill. How pathetic, how romantic, how unreal.
However, knowing I ain't a fan of skiing, I knew I wouldn't get there any time soon.

Well, that dream came true... in a way.
Slightly adjusted, slightly different, slightly odd to what I imagined it as.

Just like most things that I have gone through over the last year.
I have imagined scenarios before making sure they were possible to come true.
I expected much and many expectations haven't come true.
But there were substitutes others that I would have never thought of!

It has taught me a lesson, however hasn't fully woken me up from my dreamy life.
It has forced me to enjoy things that there are to come and that come unexpectedly.

Because, lets be honest, 
if you live through a situation you have expected, 
how exciting and authentic is that?


Vždy som snívala o výlete do Álp, o drevenici zasypanej snehom.
Predstavovala som si interiér vykúrený drevom v krbe, ktorý blkoce niekde v pozadí, a za oknom padajú mačacie hlavy.
Aké patetické, aké cukríkové, aké nereálne. Priam ideálne.
Ale keďže nelyžujem, scenár je jasný. Nič také nebude.

Sen sa splnil...z časti.
Trochu pozmenený, iný, odlišný od predstáv.

Tak, ako okamihy, ktoré som prežila za posledný rok.
Predstavovala a kreovala som si v hlave scenáre, o ktorými som si nemohla byť istá.
Čakala som veľa a očakávania sa nenaplnili.
Naštastie prišli náhrady iné, také, aké by som si nikdy nepredstavila!

Poučilo ma to, avšak nezobudilo ma to z môjho snového sveta úplne.
Prinútilo ma to užívať si momenty, ktoré sa z nenazdajky pritrafia.

Lebo, buďme k sebe úprimní,
ak zažijete situáciu, ktorú ste čakali, 
aké to už len je?


pondelok 10. augusta 2015


photographs by vikky.salmon

That's all the photos I shot when I was gone revisiting the city.
Cycled around a lot, photographed, met up, spoke,... 
as well as ended up doing a conceptual project I will show soon.


Videli ste všetky fotky, ktoré som nafotila na návšteve mesta.
Veľa som sa bicyklovala, fotografovala, stretávala, kvákala,...
a nakoniec aj stihla nečakaný konceptuálny projekt, ktorý ukážem čoskoro.


utorok 4. augusta 2015


photographs by vikkysalmon

Years ago my father used to burn all the so called vintage pieces found in grandparents' house.
He refers to those occasions very often, although he is aware of the fact it makes me crazy.
Apparently, my mum tried to save some of the items, but was told off.

Today, we love to squat in spots filled with such kind of furniture.
We sit on chairs, that no one can be sure will keep you seated for much longer.
We like it there, something attracts us.
We converse.
We get lost in the streets, underneath the chestnut tree, covered by the night's veil.

I always criticised words like those above, because they sound so overcooked.
Yes, they do sound the same when I speak them out of my mouth, 
but I need to express it that way.
For the time being, I don't know how to do any better, but will search for a solution.
Will let you know, when I figure something out.

It will come with time.
Just like the time for the vintage pieces.
We will learn to understand.
And not to burn and bin unreasonably.
Just for the sake of it.


Voľakedy vraj ocino spálil stariny.
Hovorí o tom stále dokola, aj keď vie, že mi to nie je po chuti.
Mamina vraj aj chcela čo to zachrániť, avšak bola za starinárku.

Dnes sa vyhrievame v prečervotočovaných zákutiach, 
kde človek nevie, kedy sa mi stolička pod zadkom prelomí.
Páči sa nám tam, niečo nás tam láka.
Hovieme si tam, rozprávame sa.
Stratíme sa v uličkách, či pod gaštanom, prikrytí tmou.

Slová ako tieto som hocikedy odcudzovala, pretože zneli prehnane, transcendentálne a nafúknute.
Znejú tak aj z mojich úst, avšak musím to tak na teraz napísať.
Zatiaľ neviem ako lepšie, ja to však premyslím.
Potom vám dám vedieť.

To však príde s časom.
Ako aj čas na stariny.
Naučíme sa chápať.
Nepáliť a nezahadzovať.
Len tak.


pondelok 3. augusta 2015

Here and now

I am not going to go on about 
*how I let this place die
*how I denied its importance
*how I miss receiving constructive criticism
*how I realised that nothing will ever be perfect.

The process is the outcome.

photographs by vikkysalmon

Well hey, maybe I'm back, maybe ain't, maybe it's just temporary.
It's the here and now I want to share.

I have revisited a beloved place, a city I used to live in, and met up with people I got to know there.
Without there, that, them, many others wouldn't have come.
I know I am being too abstract, and trust me, that scares the shit out of people.
Some accept it, 
others don't, 
and I am stuck thinking about it, 
leading timely internal monologues with myself.

I ain't an introvert. It's just that sometimes there is nothing to talk about.
I am not much of a fan of small talk.

Greetings, hugs, love, kisses and smiles!


Takže takto: možno som späť, možno nie, možno je to len dočasné.
Chcem sa však podeliť o to, čo je tu a teraz.

Dala som si výlet do milovaného mesta, kde som kedysi bývala, 
stretla ľudí, ktorých som tam spoznala.
Bez toho, tam, ich, by sa v mojom živote neobjavilo veľa iných.
Viem, že píšem a správam sa príliš abstraktne, verte mi, dostáva to ľudí do úzkych a spúšťa obranné mechanizmy.
Niektorí to akceptujú,
iní nie,
a mne ostáva o tom len premýšľať, 
a viesť zdĺhavé vnútorné monológy.

Nie som introvert. Niekedy len niet o čom.
Nie som zástancom všedných rozhovorov.

Posielam virtuálne pozdravy, objatia a úsmevy!