streda 20. mája 2015

On the move

illustrations by vikky.salmon

I have been on the move for the last few years of my life.
Travelling from a country to country, every single week, again and again.

At this moment in time, I am again away from home.
However travelling home has become a little more rare, but...
Online ordered public transport tickets printed out on A4s, stamped with magenta symbols 
have been accumulating on my tiny desk.

A desk without a matching chair. One, that I barely manage to sit by.

*These two have waited for long in order to be seen.


Môj život za posledných pár rokov ľahko definovať frázou: v pohybe.
Cestovanie z krajiny do krajiny, týždeň čo týždeň, znovu a zas.

V tomto momente som zase odtrepaná z domu.
Vraciam sa zriedka,ale...
Na stolíku sa mi hromadia lístky opečatené magentovými znakmi.

Stolík vám je na toľko špecifický, že stolička pri ňom stojaca je priveľká.
Čo znamená, že moje stehná sa medzi mestia eLTéTé.

*Dvojica čakala celkom dlho, pokým uzrie svetlo sveta.


sobota 16. mája 2015

Out of the blue

photograph by vikky.salmon

Where should I start? It would make sense to start where I have ended last.
Out of the blue.

I miss keeping this little galaxy alive,
because looking back it's beautiful to know what I have experienced and recorded.

At first I was doing this for the outside world.
But having come back now and recalled what this little space of mine contains,
it seems the sense of it lies in me.
I am a little bit selfish? Those of you who ain't, raise your hand up!

I want to keep this little space alive in order to see change. To see progress. To see me.
Because most things come without thinking, and it's just later that we can explain.
Coincidence, oh yes!

I would love to forget trying to make it perfect, to make this professional, to transform it into a portfolio.

I want to keep this place in order to have fun.

Be a kid!

Make a mess!

 Kde mám začať? Dávalo by zmysel, začať tam, kde som skončila.
Začala som nečakane, vraciam sa podobne.

Chýba mi a ľutujem, že túto galaxiu nedržím nad vodou.
Ako som si tak prezerala, čo sa tu za tie roky udialo, uvedomila som si, že to robím pre seba. 
Ruku hore ten, kto nikdy nie je aspoň trolilinku sebecký!

Chcem pokračovať, nech vidím zmenu. Postup. Chcem vidieť seba.
Väčšina vecí prichádza bez analýzy a až neskôr chápeme prečo.
Náhoda, ó, áno!

Nechcem od seba ďalej očakávať, aby to tu vyzeralo perfektne, profesionálne, ako nejaké portfólio.

Chcem to tu ďalej rozvíjať pre zábavu.

Byť deckom!

Babrať sa!