piatok 30. októbra 2015


artwork by vikky.salmon

Apparently all comes in pairs.
I do not know.


Vraj všetko funguje v pároch.
No ja vám neviem.


pondelok 26. októbra 2015

Could've done it if you thought of it

photographs by vikky.salmon

He was stressing about the fact,
that since the time has shifted,
we would walk home through the dark.
I told him of for saying that,
told him not to perceive it that way.

I walk home through the dark.
The only light, that enters my not yet artificially lit room,
is this sphere.
This lamp.


Strašil, že ako sa posunul čas,
budeme chodiť domov po tme.
Cez sluchátko som ho vykarhala,
že nech to tak nevníma.

Tmou sa vraciam domov.
Jediné svetlo, ktoré vchádza do ešte umelo nerozsvietenej izby
je táto guľa.
 Tento luster.


nedeľa 25. októbra 2015


collages by vikky.salmon

When you come to accept what is around and stop denying it.
Because otherwise you end up finding yourself running in circles, 
looking for the good place at the right time.
And in fact, when you stop and have a look around, you might figure out it's here.
It's just a matter of your decision,
what you make of the nowhere.
A no-where or a now-here? 

And support from those around you!

I am aware of the fact this place maybe perceived a little too full of 
shallow sounding positive notes and motivational quotes.
But, this place was born in order to spread around the positive,
to share my work and create a perception of existence I enjoy.

After all, it's what you perceive it to be.

sPOts is a new project mapping down the places
of a city I have not come to fully accept yet.
A materialisation of the thoughts I have put down in words a few lines above.


Dá zabrať zaakceptovať to, čo je tu a teraz a prestať to odsudzovať.
Pretože inak sa to končí tak, že beháme dokolečka, do nekonečna,
postrádajúc to pravé miesto v správnom čase.
Ostáva to len na našom rozhodnutí.

A podpore okolia!

Uvedomujem si, že sa môže zdať, že sa tu v poslednej dobe roztrhlo vrece s
plytko znejúcimi poznámkami a motivačnými citátmi.
Ale celý blog sa zrodil s myšlienkou priniesť niečo pozitívne,
deliť sa mojom tvorbou a vytvárať také, vnímanie každodenného svete, aké si užívam.

Vždy je to len tak, ako to vnímaš.

sPOts je nový projekt mapujúci miesta
mesta, ktoré som ešte nie celkom strávila a zaakveptovala.
Zhmotnenie viet, ktoré som napísala pár riadkov dopredu.


sobota 24. októbra 2015


illustration by vikky.salmon

Those heading vertical,
those running horizontal.
In all sorts of directions.

Weekends are dedicated for catching up with work you haven't had time to focus on during the week.

When I hear stories, of people working on weekends or late evenings, it sounded odd in some way.
As for us, me, my sibling and parents; we would always spend the weekends together, at home.
And now, I have found myself in some odd society,
where weekend is redefined and could take place on Monday or Wednesday morning for example,
and people work from home.

And strangely enough, my parents will have a day off everyday soon.
Time flies by, well.

Lines are lines.


Lebo prúžky smerujú inde.
Teda, ja vám už teraz fakt neviem.
Všetko je tak nejak naruby.

Víkendy sú na dobiehanie toho, čo sa cez týždeň nestihlo.

Keď som voľakedy počula, že niekto pracuje cez víkend a po večeroch, prišlo mi to zvláštne.
Cez víkend sme boli všetci, súrodenci a rodičia, doma pokope.
A teraz, dostala som sa do nejakej zvláštnej spoločnosti,
kde víkend ľudia majú v pondelok či stredu doobeda a nepracujú len z domu.

A naši budú mať pomaly víkend každý deň.
Čas letí, och.

Linajky ako linajky.


štvrtok 22. októbra 2015


illustrations by vikky.salmon

It's been over a year since I have last freed my mind this much.


Je tomu niečo vyše roka, čo som sa naposledy takto na papier vyšalela.


utorok 20. októbra 2015

Hacking the everyday

photographs by vikky.salmon

I hack everyday. Not computers. The reality.
I don't hear. I don't focus. I don't see.
It's a beautiful life to be lived. Hey!


Hekujem každý deň. Nie počítače. Realitu.
Nepočujem. Neostrím. Nevidím.
Je mi svet žiť. Hej!


pondelok 19. októbra 2015


photographs by vikky.salmon

we are setting of in the direction of Sopot.
To see sea.
Temperature inside of the train equals to that of the temperature of the air outside.
They have switched the heating on,
the fields are slowly evaporating.
The sun is rising. Something stinks.
What's that?
Something like those electric heaters in our old house.
That fine sense of mustyness in the surrounding air.
Fellow passengers are being reflected in the manner just like us, 
when we were travelling back home from seeing Muller.


vyrazili sme smer Sopot.
Pozrieť more.
Teplota vo vlaku sa rovná teplote vzduchu von.
Začínajú kúriť, 
polia sa vyparujú.
Svitá. Zapácha.
Čo to?
Niečo ako akumulačky v starom dome.
Ta jemná potuchlina v ovzduší.
Odrazy spolucestujúcich, tak, ako keď sme sa vracali z kulturáku od Mullera.