photographs by vikky.salmon
These photos aren't fresh, timewise.
I couldn't accept them, just like I could not accept the city I moved to.
I expected life but have seen little of it.
Luckily came across people, who helped me stay above it.
And made me realise,
that maybe this is the space in time where we are meant to work.
Keep in focus.
Tieto fotky nie sú čerstvé, vzhľadom na to, kedy som ich zaznamenala.
Nemohla som ich prijať, tie pohľady, tak ako ani mesto, do ktorého som sa presťahovala.
Čakala som dianie, nedialo sa veľa.
Našťastie som narazila na ľudí, ktorí mi pomohli udržať sa nad vodou.
Vďaka nim som si uvedomila,
že toto je časopriestor, v ktorom máme makať.
Sústrediť sa.
for obvious reasons nr 4,5, 6, 7 and the last two are just dreamy and so so like me and you xx
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