štvrtok 8. októbra 2015

Jabĺčka v župane

illustration by vikky.salmon

It's been two years since I have last analysed a poem. With her.
It's been a year since I have last created a folder. With illustrations.
It hasn't been even a week since I have left home and I am back. With them.

When I'm home, eating breakfast in silence doesn't happen.
And switching on the radio, the tune that came out first,
was that of a band whose concert I'm going to tonight.
And these apples have fallen off the trees surrounding the venue.

Circle coming full.


Sú tomu dva roky, čo som naposledy analyzovala báseň. S ňou.
Je tomu rok, čo som naposledy vytvorila priečinok. S ilustráciami.
Nie je tomu ani týždeň odkedy som odišla z domu a som späť. S nimi.

Keď som doma, neraňajkujem v tichu.
Ako som tak zapínala rádio, noty, ktoré z neho vyšli ako prvé, 
boli autorstva kapely, na ktorej koncert večer idem.
A tieto jabĺčka opadli z okolitých jabloní klubu.  


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