photographs by vikky.salmon
we are setting of in the direction of Sopot.
To see sea.
Temperature inside of the train equals to that of the temperature of the air outside.
They have switched the heating on,
the fields are slowly evaporating.
The sun is rising. Something stinks.
What's that?
Something like those electric heaters in our old house.
That fine sense of mustyness in the surrounding air.
Fellow passengers are being reflected in the manner just like us,
when we were travelling back home from seeing Muller.
vyrazili sme smer Sopot.
Pozrieť more.
Teplota vo vlaku sa rovná teplote vzduchu von.
Začínajú kúriť,
polia sa vyparujú.
Svitá. Zapácha.
Čo to?
Niečo ako akumulačky v starom dome.
Ta jemná potuchlina v ovzduší.
Odrazy spolucestujúcich, tak, ako keď sme sa vracali z kulturáku od Mullera.
absolutely love the last picture:)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThank you! xxx