pondelok 3. augusta 2015

Here and now

I am not going to go on about 
*how I let this place die
*how I denied its importance
*how I miss receiving constructive criticism
*how I realised that nothing will ever be perfect.

The process is the outcome.

photographs by vikkysalmon

Well hey, maybe I'm back, maybe ain't, maybe it's just temporary.
It's the here and now I want to share.

I have revisited a beloved place, a city I used to live in, and met up with people I got to know there.
Without there, that, them, many others wouldn't have come.
I know I am being too abstract, and trust me, that scares the shit out of people.
Some accept it, 
others don't, 
and I am stuck thinking about it, 
leading timely internal monologues with myself.

I ain't an introvert. It's just that sometimes there is nothing to talk about.
I am not much of a fan of small talk.

Greetings, hugs, love, kisses and smiles!


Takže takto: možno som späť, možno nie, možno je to len dočasné.
Chcem sa však podeliť o to, čo je tu a teraz.

Dala som si výlet do milovaného mesta, kde som kedysi bývala, 
stretla ľudí, ktorých som tam spoznala.
Bez toho, tam, ich, by sa v mojom živote neobjavilo veľa iných.
Viem, že píšem a správam sa príliš abstraktne, verte mi, dostáva to ľudí do úzkych a spúšťa obranné mechanizmy.
Niektorí to akceptujú,
iní nie,
a mne ostáva o tom len premýšľať, 
a viesť zdĺhavé vnútorné monológy.

Nie som introvert. Niekedy len niet o čom.
Nie som zástancom všedných rozhovorov.

Posielam virtuálne pozdravy, objatia a úsmevy!


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