nedeľa 23. augusta 2015

The dreamed of

photographs by vikky.salmon

I have always dreamed of paying a visit to a cottage hidden in between the peaks of Alpin mountains.
The scenario I saw in my head was an interior of a wooden cottage, fireplace glowing somewhere in the back,snowflakes falling down behind the window sill. How pathetic, how romantic, how unreal.
However, knowing I ain't a fan of skiing, I knew I wouldn't get there any time soon.

Well, that dream came true... in a way.
Slightly adjusted, slightly different, slightly odd to what I imagined it as.

Just like most things that I have gone through over the last year.
I have imagined scenarios before making sure they were possible to come true.
I expected much and many expectations haven't come true.
But there were substitutes others that I would have never thought of!

It has taught me a lesson, however hasn't fully woken me up from my dreamy life.
It has forced me to enjoy things that there are to come and that come unexpectedly.

Because, lets be honest, 
if you live through a situation you have expected, 
how exciting and authentic is that?


Vždy som snívala o výlete do Álp, o drevenici zasypanej snehom.
Predstavovala som si interiér vykúrený drevom v krbe, ktorý blkoce niekde v pozadí, a za oknom padajú mačacie hlavy.
Aké patetické, aké cukríkové, aké nereálne. Priam ideálne.
Ale keďže nelyžujem, scenár je jasný. Nič také nebude.

Sen sa splnil...z časti.
Trochu pozmenený, iný, odlišný od predstáv.

Tak, ako okamihy, ktoré som prežila za posledný rok.
Predstavovala a kreovala som si v hlave scenáre, o ktorými som si nemohla byť istá.
Čakala som veľa a očakávania sa nenaplnili.
Naštastie prišli náhrady iné, také, aké by som si nikdy nepredstavila!

Poučilo ma to, avšak nezobudilo ma to z môjho snového sveta úplne.
Prinútilo ma to užívať si momenty, ktoré sa z nenazdajky pritrafia.

Lebo, buďme k sebe úprimní,
ak zažijete situáciu, ktorú ste čakali, 
aké to už len je?


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