[illustration by vikky.salmon]
The story of the fish paste.
He is unable to prepare it himself, because it is hard to remove all the bones from small sardines.
He prefers to wait, to wait till she has done it. Who? The lady, who has brought him up.
They don't spend that much time together anymore, he often doesn't even manage to taste the fishpaste.
It's a challenge if you are a part of a large family.
First come, first serve bases.
And he often misses his chance.
He has grown up. We have grown up.
Sám si nevie rybaciu pomazánku spraviť, bo ťažko sa zo sardiniek "vyoperuvávajú" kosti.
Radšej počká, pokým ju namiešana ona, tá, čo ho na ňu naučila. Odmalička.
Mamina, mámuš, ako ju on volá.
Spolu už nie sú tak často, aj tú rybaciu pomazánku po väčšine premešká.
A vo veľkej rodine je to ťažké.
Kto prvý príde, ten prvý berie.
A jemu sa nie vždy ujde.
Vyrástol. Vyrástli sme. Všetci sme jej vyrástli.
20/06/2014 xxx