photos by vikky.salmon
We are trying to see something in everything.
Maybe we should let go of it. Let's concentrate on purity of the fact. FULL STOP.
And forget about all the crap that has managed to acumulate.
/Don't know what's going to come out of this. WIP. But the process of making was very soothing/
Vo všetkom sa snažíme nájsť niečo.
Možno by sme to mali nechať tak. Poďme sa sústrediť na čistotu faktov. BODKA.
A zabudnime na všetok bordel, ktorý sa časom nazbieral.
/Neviem čo sa z toho vykľuje. WIP. Už len vyrezávanie však pôsobilo ukľudňujúco/
Listening to this while working./Počúvala som.
29/01/2014 xxx
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