streda 12. februára 2014

Last days/ Literally?

illustrations by vikky.salmon
watercolours and marker

We are observing the world around us tensly.

Purple has always captured the mystery. Now it's hiding the mystery of the upcoming days. Whatever form, the colour is there. Just like the feeling within our chests. We'll see.

Why triangles? Because soon there will be three...

Svet okolo nás sleduje so zatajeným dychom a zapchatým nosom. 

Fialová, lilavá, vždy skrývala tajomstvá. Teraz ukrýva tajomstvá zabalené do budúcich dní. Tá farba tam jednoducho je. Ako ten pocit v našich hrudiach. Uvidíme.

Prečo trojuholníky? No lebo traja...

12/02/2014 xxx

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