pondelok 15. septembra 2014

Morning experiments

artwork by vikky.salmon

Mornings, when ideas are vividly invading your mind.
You sit by the table. Side by side the creatibe mess.
You start without a clue of what the outcome will be.
Let the road be the aim.
You experiment freely.
Bring ideas, you´ve been wanting to fullfill for ages, to life.
Finally use materials that have been sitting there for so long.


Rána, kedy myšlienky behajú po rozume ako o preteky.
Sadám za stôl, vedľa kreatívneho binca.
Začínam tvoriť, no neviem, čo z toho bude.
Cesta je cieľ.
S voľnosťou ľahkomyšlienkára experimentujem.
Prinášam na svet nápady, ktoré som chcela zrealizovať už dávno.
Konečne využiť materiály, ktoré tu tak dlho ležali.

15/09/2014 xxx

5 komentárov:

  1. Odpovede
    1. Thought of you when I was posting this. Thought of all the moments when you persuaded me to experiment more! Made me think of you! :) xxx

  2. Hey vikky ! It's me jenny from sof!
    your blog is great, please visit my blog and leave me a comment ! (communication tactic) hahahaha
    No really, I love your idea of the photography with the threads going out :)
