illustration by vikky.salmon
How many times have you wondered what colours the darkness comprises of?
How many times have you closed your eyes and analysed the colours you were seeing?
If you have, you know it ain´t easy to tell.
I tried. With the aid of colour. Layers and layers of colour.
Maybe this is what we see when we close our eyes.
It ain´t dark. It´s a mixture of layers of turquise, emerald, purple, indigo, violet,...
P.S.: Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.
Koľkokrát ste sa zamýšľali nad tým, z koľkých farieb sa skladá tma? Že akože tma? Veď je čierna!
Koľkokrát ste si zatvorili oči a skúsili odkódovať, akú farbu naozaj vidíte?
Ak ste to skúsili aspoň raz, viete, že to vôbec nie je jednoduché.
Skúsila som. za pomoci fixiek. Za pomoci vrstiev farby.
A možno toto je práve to, čo vidíme, keď zatvoríme oči.
Toto je tá pomyselná tma.
Tma nie je tmou. Je len kombináciou tyrkysovej, smaragdovozelenej, fialovej,...
P.S.: Prepáčte, že som vás nechala až tak dlho čakať.
22/10/2014 xxx
HI! yeah.... ages, years and months of waiting:) hope you are well. Glad to see new stuff is coming in. Hope you are well:)
All is well :) Getting started amongst new exciting stuff and great people! Will surely share what we are working on just now! :) xxx