photographs and ceramics by vikky.salmon
The first ceramic pieces are out of the kiln,
I am slowly becoming more familiar with the material and process.
Such vast possibilities are ahead of me, whether conceptual or technical.
Hand-pinched clay was used to produce these.
The beauty of ceramics lies in the lack of guarantees.
And ussually the controlled deliberate mistakes are what makes it so unique.
So spontanious. So special.
Just like I would free the paint on paper.
But now it feels like there is more magic involved inside.
And you know what amazes me the most so far?
The feeling of suspence of what the things will look like once they are out of the kiln.
Waiting for them to be taken down feels similar to the moment you expect to open up your presents.
The kiln is a big present indeed.
Zoznámte sa, toto sú prvé vypálené kúsky.
Nebojte, aj pre mňa sú nové, tiež sme sa s materiálom a procesom zoznámili len nedávno.
Avšak sú priateľskí, to treba uznať.
Zatiaľ len ručne modelovaná hlina, bude však viac.
Viete v čom spočíva krása celej keramiky?
Nič nie je garantované... a za to jej dávam veľký palec hore.
Ako keď som pred nedávnom rozlievala farbu na papier.
Teraz to je ešte magickejšie!
Žijem si jak také decko, ktoré sa teší z každého darčeka.
Darčeka ukrytého v elektrickej peci, v ktorej prešlo mnohými zmenami.