štvrtok 31. júla 2014


illustration by vikky.salmon

I ain't asking you what, as the translation of ČO goes.
I am speaking of ČO. And why, as the translation of preČO goes?
ČO stands for Čerstvé Ovocie, fresh fruits.
That ČO, takes care of young artist, supporting them and providing with opportunity. ČO inspires. 
Why am I speaking of all of this?
Because their show on Radio_FM which is a grande beauty, especially the one which features DVA and Simona Čechová.
DVA and Három Kérom, be sure to listen.

I am swinging with them on their wavelength.


Nepýtam sa vás ČO. Hovorím o ČO. A akože ČO?
To ČO, ktoré sa stará o mladých umelcov a dáva im priestor. Inšpiruje na vôkol. Že preČO?
Lebo ich rubrika na RádiuFM, krása krásatá v spojení DVA a Simony Čechovej.
DVA a Három Kérom. Určite si vypočujte.

Vlním sa na ich vlnovej dĺžke.

31/07/2014 xxx

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