photos and upcycled trainers by vikky.salmon
Sometimes you wash your trainers in a washing machine and things don't come out the way you'd like them to. And then, you are the one who can save them. That's what exactly happened.
And what do you do if you have spare paint? You paint those canvases that a few years ago went bad as well. Apparently, nowadays, they call it upcycling.
Niekedy hodíte tenisky do práčky, no z nej sa už nevrátia také, oko ste si ich pamätali. Potom im musíte dať druhú šancu, tak, ako ja. Presne taký príbeh si prežili.
A čo ak ostane aj trochu farby v kelímku naviac? Taktiež dáte druhú šancu plátnam, ktoré ste pred pár rokmi kvalitne dokafrali. A dnes to vraj volajú 'apsajkling'.
01/09/2013 xxx
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